Monday, January 4, 2016

Getting a grip on the 21 day fix

Yesterday we went shopping and prepared for the 21 day fix. It's going to take some time to get a grip on the shopping list.....I'm slightly picky so it's going to be some taste testing!

Don't mind the not so "good for you foods". Teigans little she needs some junk food RIGHT!?

Yesterday I was able to figure up my calorie intake before little miss was up!

Here's what mine looks like:

153x11= 1,683

+ 400


- 750

1,333 my calorie target

I get to consume the numbers of containers in the very first column. It may not seem like a whole lot but it really is!

The above picture is the breakdown of what the colored containers are for and how much they hold! This system seems a little overwhelming at first. It's the shopping that trips me up! Within another week or so I'm sure I'll have a system down and will actually have meal plans! I also need to work on a good way to keep track of my containers used.

I'm also trying to stick to the 6 small meals a day. My breakdown according to my current schedule is:

7 am- Breakfast
3 pm- Snack
10 am- Snack
5 pm- Supper
12 pm- Lunch
8 am- Snack

Come back and visit for more 21 day fix posts in the near future! I'll get this figured out step by step!

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