Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Crossfit addict!

I started taking a Crossfit class locally on October 12th. The first two weeks were ABSOLUTELY BRUTAL! I was so sore but instantly I was addicted! I now crave my crossfit workouts and should I ever have to miss one.....YIKES!
A lot of people don't have a clue what Crossfit actually is.

Now there are some people out there that think these workouts are a piece of cake. If your an avid Fitness junkie then yes they might be however, I personally started to feel confident with myself around the 4th week. Form is a BIG part of these movements if you don't master that your wasting your time and at risk of injury.

When I mention things to my non crossfit friends I get some pretty interesting faces. "Today we had a 10 minute AMRAP and our skill was 5 EMOM and the WOD was ridiculous!" I'm NOT a crossfit expert by any means, but I'll share some basic terminology.

WOD- workout of the day

AMRAP- as many rounds as possible

EMOM- every minute on the minute

Back Squat- squat with barbell on your back

Front Squat- squat with barbell resting on your collar bone supported with hands

KB- kettle bell

These are just a few there are many many more!

If I had $1.00 for EVERY TIME someone asks me why I pay for that I would be pretty well off! I simply reply with if you would JUST try it you would understand!

If you have the opportunity to try a crossfit class I HIGHLY recommend you do so! Your much stronger than you think and you'll surprise yourself!

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